Take Me Out to the Ballgame: A Yankees Game Trip for the people we support and their staff!

Sunday, September 1st

The Game is at 1:00pm at Yankee Stadium

Game tickets, lunch and coach bus transportation are provided (Individuals and staff will be responsible for any additional costs)


  • The buses will pick-up and drop-off all participants at AIM Office.
  • Meeting time for buses at the office (Exact time TBD) will be early morning on Sept. 1st (approximately 3+ hours travel time to arrive for 1:00pm game) Bus will head back to AIM after the game.
  • We have room for 110 people on the buses. If you are planning to take an agency vehicle to drive the people you support separately, AIM will cover the cost of parking.

Registration is required by June 15th

If you will be supporting and want to attend the game that day, please sign up below!

Please Note: You will not be counted until you fill out the form, and you are officially counted and paid for once you do, so please plan on following through. If you need help registering, please reach out to Aimee Dake.