Step 1: Before AIM Self-Direction
- Have a Care Manager
- Get Waiver Services enrolled (through your Care Manager)
- Get New York State (NYS) Self-Direction eligibility (through your Care Manager)
- Attend a NYS Info Session (through your Care Manager), you will then be provided a list of Brokers and Fiscal Intermediaries (FI)
Step 2: Selecting your Service Providers
- Interview Brokers and Fiscal Intermediaries to select your service provider
- You can do this on your own or work with your Care Manager.
- AIM is an FI, AIM also has Brokers (availability to take on new budgets varies)
Step 3: If you are Interested in AIM as your Broker and/or FI
- Attend an AIM Self-Direction Info Session
Step 4: Moving Forward with AIM as your Broker and/or FI
- After the info session, an AIM Start-Up Coordinator will email you with a list of required documents. Expect this email within a week of attending the info session.
- Work with your Care Manager and Broker to complete the paperwork.
- Once you’ve sent your required documents back to the AIM Start-Up Coordinator, they will submit to NYS Developmental Disabilities Regional Office (DDRO) for approval (and CC you, your Care Manager, and Broker). The waiting period with NYS DDRO for approval of services varies.
Step 5: NYS DDRO Approval of a Start Up Budget
- Once NYS DDRO approves your start up budget, you will work with your Broker to create your Self-Direction Plan for services and reimbursements. You will utilize your Life Plan as a guide.
- You will receive information to setup your login for the eVero Self-Direction portal. This is where you will review broker billing, payroll and submit for reimbursements and services.
- The timeline to complete your Start Up budget is up to you. We recommend completing this process within a year.
Step 6: Budget Review
- Once you and your Broker have created your Self-Direction Plan, your Broker will submit for review and approval to AIM’s Start Up Coordinator.
- The Start Up Coordinator will review and ensure your Self-Direction Plan is budgeted accurately and compliments your Life Plan and goals. Your Self-Direction Plan may need adjustments, so this process may take some time.
Step 7: Submitting for NYS DDRO Approval of Your Self-Direction Plan
- Once your Self-Direction Plan is ready to go, the Start Up Coordinator will submit to the NYS DDRO for approval.
- The waiting period with NYS DDRO for approval varies. While you wait, you can begin your search for staff.
Step 8: Approved!
- Once your Self-Direction Plan is approved, you can begin utilizing your services and budget.
- The Start Up Coordinator will reach out to schedule your launch meeting. The launch meeting involves the person being supported, Broker, Care Manager and Fiscal Intermediary (FI). This is a New York State requirement and FI led meeting held via Microsoft Teams.
Step 9: Support Phase
- You will be assigned your Self-Direction team:
- Care Manager
- Broker
- FI Team:
- Self-Direction Coordinator
- Self-Direction Human Resources Coordinator
- Bookkeeper