Did you know that current employment statistics from the US Department of Labor show that only 27% of the population of people with disabilities is currently in the workforce?

Employing a person with developmental disabilities not only affords meaning in their lives, but also has many positive impacts for businesses and the overall economy.

AIM Services, Inc.’s mission is to support people in achieving their personal goals and unlocking their power of potential. The people supported by AIM’s Employment Services are fully trained, supported, and excited to enter the workforce.

Take a look at the top 5 reasons to hire an individual with developmental disabilities:


Hiring people with developmental disabilities adds highly motivated people to the workforce, which leads to increased productivity across the board.


Adding people with developmental disabilities to your team promotes an inclusive culture that appeals to the population of potential employees that organizations want to attract.

Reduced Turnover

Employees with disabilities are less likely to change jobs, reducing the cost of turnover estimated to be 50%-150% of the position’s annual salary. In addition, employees with disabilities have lower rates of absenteeism; reports of perfect attendance are common.

Financial Incentives

Many businesses that hire workers with disabilities receive state and government tax credits.

Economic Benefits

When people with disabilities are employed with paid jobs in the community, they no longer depend on the government for assistance. Instead, these people draw an annual salary, pay taxes, and contribute to the overall economy. As a result, hiring people with developmental disabilities helps to contribute to a stronger economy.

AIM is Making a Difference!

Through programs like our Employment Services, we hope to change these statistics and broaden our support of the “power of potential” in people with developmental disabilities.

Know someone who could benefit from our program or is your business looking to hire? To learn more visit our Employment Services page.