A Mother’s Love: A local mother shares her story of advocacy and gratitude after her son’s diagnosis of autism.

group of 3 adults and young person to the right

A Mother’s Love: A local mother shares her story of advocacy and gratitude after her son’s diagnosis of autism. Read more about Kelly and Devin’s journey. No one knows a child better than his mother, and when Kelly Perkins’ son Devin was just 15 months old, she says she knew something about him was atypical….
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A Day in the Life: Audrey

Audrey outdoors with a man next to her and a sunset in the background

A Day in the Life: Audrey I always wanted to work with people directly. Throughout high school, I worked with children in my mom’s in-home daycare. I love working with kids. After high school, I wanted to expand upon my experiences, so I started working at a psychiatric hospital with people of all ages. This…
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Personal & Professional

Bob is the proud father of two girls, and caring husband to his wife Lyn. When their youngest daughter Julianna was born, their family knew she would need some level of support and began early intervention. When Julianna was 4 years old, she started receiving services through AIM. Julianna participates in AIM’s respite and recreation…
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What Is Respite and How We Are Changing It

With a sand timer, practicing staying focused on a task.

AIM Services, Inc. is always looking for initiatives to better support the “power of potential” and improve the lives of those we serve, and that is why we have chosen to focus efforts on enhancing Respite services. By providing an individualized approach to traditional Respite services, a meaningful experience for both the person and their…
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